
Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 809 of Giving Thanks

Do you know about the greatest love story ever told? Have you ever felt that something or someone is missing from your life? Have you had a feeling that although you were alone, that you really were not alone?

That my friend is God, calling, nudging, urging you to come to Him. He is there, waiting and has been since before you were born. Today, my prayer is that if you do not know Him, that You will hear His voice. Head bowed, eyes up, arms down, arms wide - doesn't really matter, what matters is the desires of the heart and to worship our God.

Troubled? Believe in Me. Come to Me. Rest in Me. Trust in Me. ~God

Let us see You LORD for who You are.

We do not become wise through books, but in His word, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Depending on God, that is wise.

My treasure is the presence of Christ. My comforts come from the Father. And, as I sit here and think about what makes me comfortable, I know that my thoughts must change. When we think of God's comfort, it is not ease in circumstances; it really means strength in the circumstance. We can endure comfortably in Christ... (2nd Corinthians)

Thank You for welcoming me to Your presence whenever I ask. It is truly my day's pleasure to be here. Let it be a regular occurrence over and over.

To the world... you know that you have no hold on me. I have a destiny much greater than the riches AND spoils you offer. I am preparing for life eternal with my Creator. What you offer is empty and worthless. You don't have to keep trying to lure me, but I know you will, so I will keep going to my Father to keep me grounded in Him. I have the greatest of all things, even if my earthly possessions are few. Someday I will be able to say, farewell world forever.

Because of God, we have the power, through the power of the Holy Spirit that blows everything else away. Let us remember to come prepared to the daily exercise of life. Every day we have an opportunity to show that power by giving all of our cares to the LORD. Be strengthened by His love and by His promises. You are wonderfully made, loved greatly and have the favor of a mighty and perfect God...

So, knowing this, all things are possible and all things can be met head on in courage and strength. 

Inspired by many verses... (Ephesians 6, 1 Corinthians 12, Psalm 139, Matthew 19:26, 1 John 4:10, Psalm 31:24 and I am sure I could go on and on...)

© 2012 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta

We are Wonderfully Made (, living to encourage and Equip His People ( and completely committed to believing greatly Psalm 139 with purpose (

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