
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 294 of Giving Thanks

Someone asked what my testimony was.  It began a very long time ago. I was raised in a very devout Catholic household. And, the love of the Lord was present – but I did not understand it. I knew there were rules! I knew that I was bad! I knew that Jesus died for everyone! I knew that God was very big, very unapproachable!

Is this all wrong theology? No, but it is out of context, out of order and full of holes.

What is my testimony? I am a sinner, plain and simple. God devised a plan before the earth was created, knowing that His creation that was in His image, would fall short – why, because they have free will – choice.  And, within us, we have a desire to control and to know all things. What an amazing ego man has - a desire to know everything! We have a glimpse of a life, and thousands of years before, yet, we expect to have all the answers. And, people call Christians naive.

Short and simple! I know that I have a creator. I know that God is great, and accessible to me. I know that I am wonderfully made! I know that as I become more like Christ, I live by a higher standard – a standard that rules are set by. What an amazing way of life with so many reasons to be grateful.

Vlog Testimony:

Earlier today on my personal page, I wrote these words...

My God is repetitive, because man (me) is bullheaded, takes a while to learn - and lessons are repeated in different styles, to speak to everyone. But, as we already know, some don't want to hear - as I have said before, I was one of those people - as soon as I allowed change, things became clear - the gaps in my life were filled.

My hope is that I am not condescending, accusatory, judgmental or mean in any of my communication with others - I am a Christian! A Christian, not defined by my bumper sticker or my emblems or signs or symbols plastered all over the place, ONE to be revealed through my life - to be attractive for Christ.

I believe that there is a higher being, one who gave me life and gave his life for me. I have learned a deeper respect for others, compassion for those who believe differently than I do, a love for mankind - I am not angry when others disagree or mock - but I will not do the same. And, it is not a passive "turning of the cheek", it is a choice to stand on my personal principals and hold up my beliefs - it is a bold stance, and often times, unpopular - and if having common courtesy and deep love for others is laughable and mock-able, then that's what it is.

We all make choices in our lives. I saw where my life was going - negative and distrusting made for a miserable existence for me. I found myself doubting much in life. Distrust and disdain throughout one's life is a sad testimony of no hope, lack of love (both incoming and outgoing) - belief is personal, whether it be God or belief that your spouse will stay.

When there is true love, passion and trust in my life, my outlook changes, my life is enhanced. And, in the end, shouldn't we all just want to see the best for people, in people? To hope for them, to see them live with joy and be content, yet still drive toward a dream?

What is friendship?
What is compassion?
What is respect?
What is love?

How can you know these things until you receive them? My ultimate goal in life is for others to see Christ (the true Christ) in my life, in my actions and want to know why my life is like it is. Not desperate, but vibrant, alive and full of joy. What closes a heart; experiences, acts of selfishness and ego. All these things I wish to leave completely behind. I am open, ready to be filled. How about you?

Father, thank You that lessons may stab the heart, but when all is said and done, I have access to the greatest healer of broken hearts. Lord, for those who mock, and don't know you - I pray for mercy; for those with light, even a glimpse, may their hearts be softened, that love and hope will penetrate. Father I lift my brothers and sisters up to You that a blanket and hedge of protection be laid over them, that during the times of prosecution we can look steadily to the cross, to the strength we hold because You behold us. Almighty God, I pray for favor for those we love and pray for that they will know You and come to be part of this amazing kingdom. In Jesus' name, for all these requests. Amen.


  1. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  2. Ron - thanks you I just posted yours on my Facebook page. What is your FB identity?

    You have great posts.


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