
Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 433 of Giving Thanks - by Sue King


People ask them either directly or from input through the day they present themselves. Today two are on my mind. If Jesus were coming tomorrow what would you do differently? And the second – If you knew you were about to die what would be on your list of must do’s before that happens?

After some soul searching I come up with- Nothing! That’s the answer–  not the amount of content! There is absolutely nothing that I would do differently.

I’m not trying to be smart and I don’t claim to be holier-than-thou. What I am saying is the way I am living is how I want to live, and how I would be living if the end were tomorrow. Either way– I would be going home. I would have nothing to fear. I would have died doing what I was called to do.

“Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.”~Psalm 139:16

I’ve given my life to my God. He is the driving force behind everything I do. I look to Him as my guide, my role model, my source. As I grow, under His careful and deliberate teaching, what that looks like will deepen and change- but right now- I am following Him in the best way that my current level of spiritual maturity allows. I am committed to drawing closer to Him, seeking His will for my life, and walking in that calling. Sometimes I get it wrong and He changes the global positioning system instructions (turn left, turn right….. whoops… ok…. turn right, now turn left) and I seem to arrive where I was supposed to be anyway. If I get a little distracted with too many good choices but not the good choice for me, He lets me try on a few for a while and lets me see that they weren’t right for me, or sends in some additional information from some more sources to show me the right way.

I live with joy knowing that my God holds me in the palm of His hand.

“If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
   if I settle on the far side of the sea,
 even there your hand will guide me,
   your right hand will hold me fast” ~Psalm 139: 9-10

 He is my comfort, my strength, my hope. There is no place that I can go that I am out of His reach; no thing that I can depend on more. He will never let me down. I know that when He comes, He will not leave without me. I know that His love for me has been through all eternity–  never wavering.

I know with full assurance that there is nothing I could do that would take Him by surprise. He knows me full well.

“You have searched me, LORD,
and you know me.” ~Psalm 139:1

 And I know that those He has called and sealed are His forever.

“You hem me in behind and before,
   and you lay your hand upon me” ~Psalm 139:5

So in this certain knowledge I walk. I have no reason to doubt, no reason to question. As I walk with Him I am living the life I was called to live. I am never alone and always loved.

What would I do if I knew it were all to end tomorrow?
Nothing different.
Just continue to walk in His will for me now.
Nothing more, nothing less.

1 comment:

  1. what a fabulous reminder this post is for each of us to remember that we truly are children of God, and he is always with us, lighting our patha nd leading our way. God bless.


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