
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 573 of Giving Thanks

“Here we go”, were the words said as Chris and I walked out the back door for our Saturday morning excursion to the backyard; lots of excitement today. It may appear from the outside that we seem to do the same thing every weekend (work, work…), and there is some truth to that; but really what we are doing today, that we did not do last year is to “work: together as a couple. And, as one day moves into the next, I know, really know, that God is with me for the day to day.

“How plainly it shows what he has done! Each day announces it to the following day; each night repeats it to the next.” ~Psalm 19:1-2 (Good News Translation)

Chris took on the hill again, as I wrestled with the ivy that grows through the fence. It is persistent, and thankfully, so am I. Mid-morning, I was ready to begin the work we’ve been doing together for weeks. Removing the hill, moving the dirt, building a wall, then returning the dirt…  so, after shoveling dirt (yes, again), served as a five hour cardio workout - which definitely got my attention… however, not until about an hour ago.

I must remember often to BREATHE, to be in His presence…
My friends B.e still and R.est in Him for everything. He is here for you to
E.ngage with Him and He is waiting.  A.llow Him to do His will in your life,
and experience His T.enderness and you will know a life filled with H.ope.
Your life and His plan and purpose for your life is your preparation for an
E.ternity with Him.

I am grateful for the ability to do what is necessary to get things in order – God has truly given me much favor in so many areas, and physically, is one of them. I am thankful that I had the strength to complete this day – and tonight I pray for his presence as I attempt to do it all again tomorrow. Help me believe in the little things that are possible with you every day, and the big things that are possible with you throughout my life.

‎...and how do I thank my God for all He does? I remember what He did through the cross. I love others, and share the goodness of my mighty God. I remember Lord. My heart aches with gratitude for the life I have and the eternity I am promised.

Thank You Father for doing all you do, and reminding me to do what I can, and that I am required to do what is my responsibility so I can watch You to do what I cannot. I look forward to everyday and the adventures of my life. Thank You for all I have.

“O GIVE thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.” ~Psalm 136:1 (Amplified Bible)

I am greatly inspired because I know I am a child of God... Just think what will be lived out when I truly BELIEVE I am a child of God.

And, tonight, no more thinking, pondering or figuring out. It's time to settle in and give it ALL to the Holy Spirit. "to He I go... "

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