
Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 586 of Giving Thanks

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you?” — William A. Ward

I can honestly say “yes” to that now. How amazing God is to save me from so much and I am a citizen of heaven as well. What a beautiful thought that is. And no matter what, I cannot be away from His presence.

“…in heaven and on earth. There are no secret places where you can hide from me.” ~Jeremiah 23:24 (CEV)

It is amazing how I have seen myself grow and change because Jesus saved me. He saved me from:
- darkness
- hopelessness
- powerlessness
- self-sabotage, self-doubt, self-hatred
- the voice of the enemy
- the clutches of the unknown


‎Quite honestly, there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about what He did for me and what opportunities I have because of what He did. All I want to do is live my life boldly and for the Lord.

"Lord enable me to speak Your word in complete boldness." Andy Stanley, In Touch Ministries

My friends, with a tender heart I share… I believe that you are reading this for a reason. You are who God says you are, and I pray that you believe it. If you know God, know that He is trustworthy and faithful, and will never leave you. If you have not asked Him to enter your heart, I believe with my whole heart He is pulling you and drawing you in. Whatever your circumstance, or challenge, He knows all about it, and is here for you to lean on Him.

He is telling you to call on Him and He will reveal things to you. “Ask me, and I will tell you things that you don't know and can't find out.” ~Jeremiah 33:3 (CEV)

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