
Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 488 of Giving Thanks

I love mornings when I can get a half hour quiet time in and don’t feel rushed or pressured by the clock. My objective is to start each day by His calm and collectiveness.
Heavenly and wonderful Father, it is in the dark of the morning that I seek You. In the silence of the house when I am all alone. It is in the moment between sleep and awake that I grasp You are near; am I yet awake, or nearly dreaming of Your presence? And, I realize that my life with You is greater than a dream - it is hopeful, joyful and restful.
I am in Your grasp, O'God. In the grips of my life with You in it, about it and over it.
Wholly with You O'God. In confidence and hope O'God. Through my life O'God wholly Yours - grateful for the firm hold.
As I drove to work this morning, the winds were blowing everything and gave a sense of the impeding storm. Yet today, as I woke up, I had a sense of hope and accomplishment for the day. I knew I had a lot today, but I was determined to keep my head down and just get focused.
Safely inside as the wind roars outside.
Safely inside as the world rumbles all around.
Safely inside as darkness searches for light.
Safely with the Holy Spirit within in, and my God wrapped securely around me and the blood of Christ completely covering me.

Twelve hours later, and mission accomplished. My desk is clean and organized. Although there is much to do, and very little time to do it in, I know that with everything laid out and identified, the tasks will be easier.
I am overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment, and all I can do is be hopeful that there is some sort of order as the tasks, all 46 of them, are executed next week. But now, I rest. I will go home and spend time with my wonderful husband – a weekend without chores or places to be. A time that we can just be and be together.
Tomorrow, on the is earth, is not promised.
Tomorrow, in heaven, is a choice you make today.
Make the most of your today, by knowing what your tomorrow will bring.

So, here is my hope for you - Depending on where "in the world" you are, your weekend has already started or is just beginning. Take time to be with your family. Let go of work. Have fun. Worship together. Break bread together. Talk intently and with hope. Take a walk. Cuddle and enjoy the tender moments of the ones you love. And, thank God for them.

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