
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 390 of Giving Thanks

Chris left for work this morning at his normal time 6:45am – and I remember hearing the rumbling the Shelby out of the garage, and out of ear shot, then….

I turned over and it was 8:10am – the time I normally leave the house. With a quick ‘head check’, I got ready and let’s just say, I was moving pretty quickly this morning. I was out the door at 8:25am.

As I drove to pick my co-worker up, I listened to the radio, but did not really hear anything, and I reflected on where I am. In the car, my friend said that she always asks God for her next assignment, or mentions she is ready! Two years ago, my job was to be temporary, as I continued to build my business. At the moment, all that has changed. And, what I am building now, is my faith and endurance.

And I could easily change Jeremiah’s prayer in ch. 10, vs. 23, to Shawn’s Prayer ‘Lord, I know that my life is not my own; it is not for me to direct my steps’.

Faith, that God’s plan is much better than what I have been doing.
Faith, that I am already restored and better than before physically.
Faith, that my marriage will demonstrate, some day, what faith in God does for a believing wife.
Faith, that my heart’s desires are clear and realized, and at this point revealed.
Faith, that I will live out God’s purpose knowingly and passionately.
Faith, faith and more faith, that my God, designed an amazing life that I will look back upon with fondness and reverence for the struggles and the pain, as well as all the triumphs.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." ~Philippians 4:6

This is a marvelous time in my life, one of hope and change. Thank You Lord for revival in my heart; thank You Lord for revival of my mind, body and soul for it is You that makes all of my life possible and worthwhile.

And, what a beautiful realization... before I even came into existence - my name and my purposes were written for God's eyes - He has dwelled upon my life, and knows my heart's desires intimately. He made sure that my eternity is secured, and I chose Him, and I can know my true destiny and purpose. TODAY AND EVERYDAY, I GO AFTER HIS HEART, and dwell in Him and He will reveal it all for me.

I am ready, really ready, for my next assignment.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." ~Romans 15:13

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