
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 407 of Giving Thanks - Guest Writer, Troy White

Troy has been a contributor with Wonderfully Made since the Summer, and has been a great part of the team. He is a man after God's heart and will in his life, a family man and a business owner, whose love for God is very recognized when you talk to him or read his notes. There is much wisdom, as there has been much growth. Thank you Troy for being an encourager, not only for me, but for so many on the Wonderfully Made page.

Wow, Christmas Again: As we reflect on Christmas and Christmas past we need to ask ourselves,  are we closer to the Lord this Christmas than when were first saved and how do we determine that?

When I first was born again I was so excited.  I wanted everyone I knew to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. In the beginning of my walk, my excitement wasn't received with equal enthusiasm, quite the contrary.  My fire for the Lord was confronted head on by satan and his demonic help.  

This was where my growth began. Since that first Christmas as a Christian many things have changed. My understanding and love for the Lord has truly grown but not the way I would have thought it to happen.  In the beginning, I fell in love with the Lord because of how it made me feel.  When the attack came from the enemy, my feelings weren't so positive.  This led me to reach outside of myself to try and discover a deeper connection than just my feelings.  That's when I discovered Christian friends as well as a Christian mate.  This endured for a time, but like my feelings these relationships also came under attack resulting in a bruised faith at best.

Well, God is Good.  As I shake my head at the years of trials and, seemingly defeats, I have asked God to help me make sense of all of this.  My friends, He answered me.  In the quiet time of desperation, He spoke to my heart and I want to share it with you this Christmas as my Christmas gift to all of you.

He wants a personal, intimate and exclusive relationship with me.....and with you, all of you.  I know this is not new to any of us as Christians but I'm here to tell you it's different than I've ever known before.  He wants us to count on Him even, and especially when, we cannot count on others.  He wants us to know He loves us and desires to prosper us.  This world is the way it is because sin exists and as long as it does, we will suffer trial and tribulation.  The key is to walk by faith and not by sight.  To do this He has to develop our faith.  How?

Every time we've entered into battle with satan we had an opportunity to increase and grow our faith which is the only way we can please the Lord.  He uses the difficulties in life to make us more dependent on Him, strengthening our relationship with Him. So I therefore pause to ask myself this question.  Why am I scratching my head and wondering why bad things continue to come my way?  Of course, the Lord wants to position me in a righteous relationship with Him so He can bless me and empower me to live the abundant life He has died for. My personal struggles have led me into a deeper more dependent relationship than I've ever had before.  Folks it's summed up like this;

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” ~Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

Since obtaining a deeper relationship with the Lord I want you to know that things are changing.  In the midst of the most challenging year of my life He brought me to you, ant it started by getting involved with Wonderfully Made; a ministry that allows me to be used by God and I know have friends that will be my friends forever.  And the best is yet to come and I long to live the testimony. 

I want all of my family to make it to Heaven.   I want all my friends to make it to Heaven.  And from the heart of God, I want all of God's children to make it to Heaven.  May God's indwelling Spirit rise up in all of you, empowering you to be anointed to do the will of our Father and Lord, Jesus Christ.  May this Christmas 2010 be the Christmas you decide to win, by drawing closer to the baby in the manger who has already won. :-)

Merry, Merry Christmas to All of You,
I love and treasure you all!
Troy White

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