
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 410 of Giving Thanks

This morning the Lord filled me with peace for my life, and a letter and prayer for my friends. I wrote it and watched it appear on the page in our small group.

Then poof, it was gone. I would guess that the few friends who had read it were the eyes that it was for, and I am grateful that as my heart was poured out through words, that the Holy Spirit delivered them perfectly before my almighty God – and the prayer was heard for sure. And I was comforted with the thought, “there it is, God at work letting me know that He is in control.”

"God is faithful and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength but with your testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it." ~1 Corinthians 10:13

And, just a few hours later, another friend, reposted the prayer and letter to my friends. And, again, I was comforted with the thought “there it is, God at work letting me know that He is in control.”

I am used to drastic change in my life. God started with changing my heart from away from Him, to being combined with His heart. I used to say "God's not for me... not your God anyway." Wow, has He changed how I speak, think and live. Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus, and oh how I am grateful that the Holy Spirit, God residing in me, is always here now. God is for me, always has been, always will be.

I have been very reflective of my life during this past three months, because so much has changed, and much more is changing. And, though the changes have been completely unforeseen and really un-wanted, from my old perspective, I know that I am, completely dependent and excited about the direction God is pointing me in.

“Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you’re on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute!” ~Philippians 4:4-5

God is at work, and what a great body to be part of...
Lord, I lift my friends, my brothers and sisters up to You and pray that Your work in all of us will be the light to many. I pray for protection from the enemy; the lies, the doubts, the fears and hindrances that we recognize and do not recognize. I pray that Your mighty hand be upon Your children and that our words, actions and hearts reflect You greatly. Through hardships, uncertainty, illness and the harshness of the world we live in, I praise You and thank You that we have all come together. I thank You for the gift of friendship, fellowship and shared stories. I thank You that together we can encourage and be encouraged perfectly in Your name. I thank You that through our not understanding, Your plan is still at work. I pray Abba that we can be obedient to Your calling, hear Your instruction and heed Your correction. I pray that in this time of celebrating the gift You so lovingly and unconditionally gave, that we can be firm in our stance and wholly in Your will.

Great and mighty Father, we give our days to You; past, present and future and pray that in the coming year, through our work in You, that many will know that it is because of You that we live a life of gratitude and joy, and in our humility you are glorified. And, we come to you mighty God confidently because of the shed blood of Jesus - we pray earnestly. Amen.

This coming new year will be a year of difference.

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