
Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 398 of Giving Thanks - Guest Writer, Tina Wetor

A New Life – Can it really happen? 

Yes, it absolutely can but only through the blood of Jesus Christ.  At the start of the school year, my daughter had to transfer schools because of our move.  She was very excited to start a fresh beginning because she did not like her old school.  She started participating in various activities, including assisting her teachers after school.  So, I would have to pick her up after her school activities.  After arriving in the office, my daughter approached me and asked if I would meet her favorite teacher.  Leah advised me, “She is dying to meet you.”

Let me back up a little bit to share some facts about my daughter, Leah.  First, she is my eldest child and only daughter.  Second, she is currently a typical (almost) teenager who, often, does not think before she speaks; in addition to that age-related trait, she only has one volume extra-loud, so everyone knows that Leah has entered the room.  My daughter isn’t the quiet or shy girl in the corner; she will walk up and introduce herself to the world.  Also, I don’t tell her about any secret surprise parties, gifts, or anything, unless I want it to be revealed early.  Lastly, she has the ability to light the room with her love.  She amazes me with her desire to know God and to share it with others. 

As Leah’s History teacher approached me to shake my hand, she greeted me with a smile.  She said, “Mrs. Wetor, I have heard an awful lot about you.”  Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I should be flattered or afraid to hear what Leah said.  Although my daughter could be my identical twin, we are completely opposite in personality.  I love all of the different attributes of my daughter, but I don’t share secrets with her.  She still hasn’t realized the importance of keeping quiet about personal family stuff.  As harmless as family events are, Leah believes the old saying, “Life is a stage.”  

As Leah’s teacher gave me praise for raising a beautiful, smart and respectful daughter, my heart was overjoyed to say the least.  After thanking the teacher for her comments, we left to get ready to go home.  As Leah and I got into the car, I couldn’t help but wonder what Leah had told her teach.  So, I asked her, “Leah what did you tell her?”  Leah replied, “She knows you are a preacher who loves Jesus.”  “What else does she know?” I asked.  Leah said, “My mom didn’t have a very good childhood but she overcame a lot.”  “My childhood has been marvelous, I couldn’t have asked for a better one.”

As we drove away, I had tears streaming down my face in gratitude for my life in Christ.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man BE in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

My father was an abusive alcoholic who destroyed my childhood with many scars.  By statistics and family heritage, I should be an alcoholic, and quite possibly, an abuser. But by God’s grace, the curse of sin is broken by the blood of Jesus.  As a first generation Christian, I am starting a new legacy with my life – an eternal one. 

We don’t have to repeat the same patterns of our families, we can start afresh.  The miracle of Christmas arrived to a virgin woman who wrapped the babe in swaddling clothes.  But the gift of Christmas would be shared with the whole world.  He came to break the curse of sin and to give new life to all who believe in Him.  Yes, a new life!  As the angel told the shepherds, “Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David, A SAVIOR WHICH IS CHRIST THE LORD.” ~Luke 2:10-11

About Tina M. Wetor
Biography: I have been married to my college sweetheart for almost fourteen years.  Together, we have three beautiful children: Leah, Alexander (Aj), and Caleb.  To make the family complete, we have a handsome half pit/lab named Noah. 

My Heavenly Father loved me so much that He delivered me from a very abusive childhood.  I am alive because of His great love that He lavished on me.  I accepted Jesus Christ at the age of twelve years old after being miraculous reunited with my mother.  At the age of fourteen, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and started preaching.  After high school, I attended Central Bible College to obtain my degree in Pastoral Ministries with a minor in counseling. 

I currently in the process of formalizing my ministerial papers to be a licensed minister, once this has been achieved, I will be working toward my calling to Boulder Colorado.  My desire is to plant a church, a healing house for abused children, as well as a school.  I am currently working on my first book to share my desire for the presence of God to return to the American churches, the abused to find healing, and our nation revived.  In the future, blogs, website, and whatever else God asks. I will keep you posted as God fulfills His word to me. 

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