
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 269 of Giving Thanks

My entire life I have had many say “work on your weaknesses”, and have failed miserably, sorrowfully and with great pain through self-defeat. I will no longer go through a grieving over these failures; I will change my focus – and will be triumphant – easily. God has given me gifts – gifts that no one else possesses like I do. And, these unique gifts and qualities were put within me to share with others and provide an example for others.

I recently went through a couple of personality and strength type tests. My gifting is not in the mundane. I completed two of these tests in the past week - Strengths Quest™ test, which does a personality profile and last night took another quick test from Tamara Lowe’s, Get Motivated book and no surprise, my De-Motivators are: Rigid structure, routine, delays, time-consuming details and bureaucracy. This is so true, and this is what drives my husband the craziest. In the process of “getting better” and self improving, I am really working on my strengths.

But these strengths can only be fine-tuned  and perfected with the coaching and guidance from the creator who gifted them to me. To be used properly, I must read the instructions and be “trained” properly so that the most effective use of these tools is perfected.  Lord, thank you for insights, for great people who help You identify in me where You want me. As I work through Your instructions, take to heart and practice “proper uses”, I am grateful that I am not alone.

This morning, as I read through Mark 1 & 2, I was reminded of the miracles performed by Jesus, and as I sat down to write, the relevance did not quite connect.  Father, I am grateful for the obvious word, and yet the subtle is quite comforting – as it is in silence that they come – and in silence, I am greatly comforted lately because I know that it is when You can prepare me most.

Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed….” Mark 1:35

And, when I found you Jesus, I exclaimed, “I have been looking for you”, thank you for finding me.

“… and when they found him, they exclaimed: "Everyone is looking for you!"~ Mark 1:37


  1. Good reminder to work in the strengths our Creator gave to us. Our Lord will guide us.

  2. Thank you Shonda. He reminds me of so much... if I don't stay plugged in, I will forget. ;-)

    Yes, He will.


Shawn Delia Boreta

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