
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 265 of Giving Thanks

Several things hit me today as John Bruce relayed God’s message – he said “when you don’t understand how things work, it makes it hard to work those things”.

The example he used to illustrate this, is buying a chain saw, at the recommendation of the sales person – “best on the market; all the professionals use it…” then you get it home, and it doesn’t work. In going back to the salesperson, telling them it does not work, and as they press a button and you say “what’s that noise?” Knowing how to work things, is so relevant – and instructions are priceless. And, as the entire congregation laughed, I thought, how true that is with most things I try to accomplish them. I am a type-A personality. I jump before I know what is below me, I start some things on a whim and expect everything to work or come together perfectly without reading directions.  

I am grateful that God does give us wonderful, clear, concise, proven, and written instructions for how things work – now it is up to me to be diligent in my pursuit of living according to His outline and guidelines. It is time to “Take God Seriously”; to believe what He promises; to trust that He will always be with me because He already knows the dangers and traps we face. All things are handled.

PROVERBS, gives wonderful instructions. And, it is time to “Take God Seriously!”A men. 

“Then you will win favor and a good name 
       in the sight of God and man.
 Trust in the LORD with all your heart 
       and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways acknowledge him, 
       and he will make your paths straight.” ~Proverbs 3:4-6

 The more honest I am about where I am with God, the more I will trust God for all things.

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